What is the difference between TCP/IP model and OSI model?
Application layer
4. Application layer
Presentation layer
5. Session
Transport layer
3. Transport layer
3. Network
2. Network layer
2. Data
link layer
1. Physical layer
1. Physical
Level 7 - Application: According to the requirement, this level works with the application software to provide communication functions to check the availability of communication partners and resources to support any data transfer. The Domain Name Service (DNS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), Post Office Protocol (POP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Telnet, and Terminal Emulation.
Layer 6 - Presentation: This layer ensures the data is compatible with the communication resources. It ensures compatibility between the data formats on the levels of apps and the lower layers. It handles any data formatting or code conversion as well as data compression and encryption
Layer 5 - Session: Layer 5 Software Handle Authentication and Authorization Functions. It also manages connectivity between both communication devices, establishes a connection, maintains a connection, and closes it in the end. This layer ensures that the data is distributed as well.
Level 4 - Transport: This level provides quality service (QoS) functions and ensures full distribution of data. Data is collected at this level through error correction and similar functions.
Level 3 - Network: Network layer handles packet routing through logical addressing and switching functions.
Layer 2 - Data Link: Unpack data in Layer 2 Operations package and Frames.