Distribution of Search Results and Traffic

SEO Distribution of
Search Results and Traffic

Google often shows results of paid search on the top of your natural results.

Your position in the results has a huge impact on the traffic you will receive.

In April 2006 study by iProspect and Jupiter Research  which gives us following results :

62% of search engine users click on search result within the first page and 90% within the first three pages.

41% of search engine users who continue their search when not finding what they seek report changing their search term and/or search engine if they do not find what they’re looking for on the first page of results; 88% report doing so after three pages.

36% of users agree that “seeing a company listed among the top results on a search engine makes me think that the company is a top one within its field.

A study on data leaked from AOL’s search query logs in August 2006 reveals the impact of position on the search results on the percentage of clicks received, as shown in below figure.

  • The first 10 results received 89.71% of all click-through traffic; 
  • The next 10 results (normally listed on the second page of results) received 4.37%; 
  • The third page 2.42%; and
  • The fifth page 1.07%. 
  • All other pages of results received less than 1% of total search traffic clicks.

According to the study, 
  • 72% of searchers click on the first link of interest.
  • 25.5% read all listings first and then decide which one to click. 
  • Both effects most likely play a role in searcher behaviour.
