How Search Engines Drive Commerce on the Web

How Search Engines
Drive Commerce on the Web

•People make use of search engines for a wide variety of purposes, with some of the most popular being to research, locate and buy products.
•It is important to note that search and offline behaviour have a heavy degree of interaction with search playing a growing role in driving offline sales.

1) According to yahoo study in 2007

   Online advertising drives $6 offline (in stores) for every $1 spent online.
   Search  Marketing  has  a  greater  impact  on  in-store  sales  lift  than  display advertising-three times greater.

2) There  is  also  significant  amount  of  interaction  between  search  and  local  offline commerce.

   74% of respondents used search engines to find local business information versus 65% who turned to print Yellow Pages, 50% who used Internet Yellow Pages, and 44% who used traditional newspapers

3) 86% surveyed said they have used the Internet to find a local business, a rise from the 70% figure reported the year before.

4) 80% reported researching a product or service online, then making that purchase offline from a local business.

5) Local search is an increasingly important component of SEO.

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