Eye Tracking How users Scan Results Pages

 Eye Tracking 
 How users Scan Results Pages 

Research firms Enquiro, Eyetools, and Didit conducted heat-map testing with search engine users that produced fascinating results about what users see and focus on when engaged in search activity.

The graphic indicates that users spent the most amount of time focusing their eyes in the top-left area where shading is the darkest.

This research study also showed that different physical positioning of on-screen search results resulted in different user eye-tracking patterns. When viewing a standard Google results page, users tended to create an “F-shaped” pattern with their eye movements, focusing first and longest on the upper-left hand corner of the screen;

Moving down vertically through the first two or three results; moving across the page to the first paid page result; moving down another few vertical results; and then moving across again to the second paid result. 

In May 2008, Google introduced the notion of Universal Search. This was a move from simply showing the 10 most relevant web pages (now referred to as “10 blue links”) to showing other types of media, such as videos, images, news results, and so on, as part of the results in the base search engine. The other search engines followed suit within a few months, and the industry now refers to this general concept as Blended Search.

Blended Search, however, creates more of a chunking effect, where the chunks are around the various rich media objects, such as images or video. Understandably, users focus on the image first. Then they look at the text beside it to see whether it corresponds to the image or video thumbnail (which is shown initially as an image).

Users’ eyes then tend to move in shorter paths to the side, with the image rather than the upper-left-corner text as their anchor. Note, however, that this is the case only when the image is placed above the fold, so that the user can see it without having to scroll down on the page. Images below the fold do not influence initial search behaviour until the searcher scrolls down.
