Human Goals of Searching

Human Goals of Searching SEO

The basic goal of human searcher is to obtain relevant information. The following steps comprise most search processes.

(1) Experience the need for an answer, solution, or piece of information. For example the user  may  be  looking  for  a  website  (navigational  query)  to buy something (transactional query) or to learn something (informational query)

(2)Formulate that need in a string of words and phrases (the query). Generally this query consists of one or two words. Average query length is 2.9 according to ComScore in 2009.

(3)Execute the query, check the results, see whether you got what you wanted, and if not, and try a refined query.

When this process results in the satisfactory completion of a task, a positive experience is created for the user, the search engine and the site providing the information or result.

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